Lent, Holy Week & Easter
During Lent we will running the USPG Lent Course: Living an Authentic Life — Discipleship in the World Church. Each session will last just under an hour. Sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings.
On Sunday evenings we will have Taizé services at 6pm. Taizé is a community in France that has developed its own style of worship with chants, silence and reflections. Each service will last between 20 and 30 minutes.
During Holy Week, there will be a service every day of the week and several on Good Friday.
On Easter Day we are having a “Messy Church Lite” session: activities, service and tea and hot cross buns, but no lunch.
The day before the start of Lent, there will be pancakes in the hall from 3.30pm for Shrove Tuesday.
During Lent, it is good practice to make your personal confession as part of your preparation for Easter. Lent is a time when we try to examine our lives, see what has gone wrong in our lives and what needs to be changed and to make those changes. Personal confession can be a very helpful part of that. Anglican confession is different from the iconic Roman Catholic confession and doesn’t use those wooden ’boxes’. It is more like a pastoral conversation than the kind of confession you tend to see on Television, but there is a short order of service for the actual confession part of the conversation. The point of confession is to receive God’s forgiveness and to feel that you can let go of guilt that you may have been feeling. Confession is about allowing you to start again with a clean slate, it is not about making you feel bad about yourself. If you’d rather make your confession to a priest you don’t know, that can be arranged.
NB Taizé Services and Lent Course may be cancelled if there is insufficient attendance.
Before Lent:
Tuesday 28th February:
3.30pm (hall): Pancakes
During Lent:
Ash Wednesday, 1st March:
9.10 (hall): Toddler Service with ashes
10.30 (church): Eucharist with imposition of ashes
1.30 (school): Collective Worship with ashes
Saturday 4th March:
11am-noon (vicarage): USPG Lent Course, Session 1
Sunday 5th March:
6pm (church): Taizé Service
Tuesday 7th March:
8-9pm (vicarage): USPG Lent Course, Session 1
Sunday 12th March:
6pm (church): Taizé Service
Saturday 18th March:
11am-noon (vicarage): USPG Lent Course, Session 2
Sunday 19th March:
6pm (church): Taizé Service
Tuesday 21st March:
8-9pm (vicarage): USPG Lent Course, Session 2
Sunday 26th March:
6pm (church): Taizé Service
Tuesday 28th March:
8-9pm (vicarage): USPG Lent Course, Session 3
Saturday 1st April:
11am-noon (vicarage): USPG Lent Course, Session 3
Sunday 2nd April:
(Parishioners’ Meeting & APCM at 10.45am)
6pm (church): Taizé Service
Tuesday 4th April:
8-9pm (vicarage): USPG Lent Course, Session 4
Saturday 8th April:
11am-noon (vicarage): USPG Lent Course, Session 4
Sunday 9th April, Palm Sunday:
9.30am Eucharist; 11.30am All Age (no evening service)
Monday 10th April
7.30pm Service
Tuesday 11th April:
7.30pm Service
Wednesday 12th April:
7.30pm Service
Maundy Thursday 13th April:
7.30pm Eucharist with watch
Good Friday 14th April:
10am Toddler Service
11.30am Stations of the Cross
2pm Good Friday Liturgy
Saturday 15th April:
7.30pm Easter Vigil
Sunday 16th April:
9.30am Eucharist
11.30am ‘Messy Church Lite’
No Evening Service