About us
Christ Church Shooters Hill is a lively church that has a broad congregation of all ages. We are located about half-way up Shooters Hill, set back from the road in Oxleas Woods and with Christ Church School next door. Our services are based on Common Worship Order One (Modern Language).
We believe that all people are created in the image of God, and that all are called by God into a loving, dynamic and transformative relationship with him, through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, his Son and through the power of the Holy Spirit. On Sundays we come together to receive Holy Communion, to be challenged and encouraged by God’s word and to receive strength and support from God and from one another so that we can go back into the world ready to live our daily lives more openly and lovingly, sharing the good news of Christ in our words and through our lives, serving God and our neighbours in this part of South London and beyond. Christ Church is currently in a ‘visioning process’: we are trying to discern what God’s vision for our church is. All those who live in the parish or worship with us are warmly invited to be part of this process.
Mission strategy
Our services aim to meet the needs of people at the various stages of their faith journey. Our children and young people are the church of today. In our weekly worship we aim to nuture them in their spiritual development. We encourage participation through art, drama and music. Our church is very important to us and we share a common commitment to a Christian education. We will look for opportunities for individuals to have a stronger commitment to church life. We aim to reach local people by offering a variety of social activities and events which help to build and sustain community in this area. We are attempting to meet the needs of parents/carers and toddlers and young people, and have a lunch club for older people. We try to make sure that our building and worship are accessible to all, including those with physical, emotional and mental disabilities.
Useful links
The Church of England
The Church of England is committed to the faith 'uniquely revealed in the Holy Scriptures and set forth in the catholic creeds,' its maintenance of the traditional three fold order of ministry, and its determination to bring the grace of God to the whole nation through word and sacrament in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Christ Church CE Primary School
Christ Church School is a welcoming community whose Christian ethos leads us to ensure that every child in our school is happy, secure and keen to learn. Each child is valued and respected as a unique person enjoying the highest possible standards of teaching and learning in a supportive and stimulating environment. A daily collective act of worship is central to the life of the school.
Inclusive Church
Inclusive Church works with individuals and partner organisations. We seek to raise awareness about the ways that people feel excluded by the church.
Giving To Christ Church
Making a commitment to Christ Church by regular giving is welcomed - setup a standing order to Christ Church PCC, sort code 30-99-88 account number 00160666 (and if a tax-payer, please, sign a CC Gift Aid form) or ask about the envelope giving scheme. Thank you!
If you would like to help in any way with group, please, contact Sue Peach. Or speak to Mtr Ariadne.