Notices for Sunday 26th April 2020
Welcome to CHRIST CHURCH SHOOTERS HILL Sunday 26th April 2020 Easter 3, Year A Service(s) (today): 10am - Eucharist; 11.15am -...

Notices for 3rd May 2020
Welcome to CHRIST CHURCH SHOOTERS HILL Sunday 3rd May 2020 Easter 4, Year A Service(s) (today): 10am - Eucharist; 11.15am - All...

Notices for Sunday 19th April 2020
Welcome to CHRIST CHURCH SHOOTERS HILL Sunday 19th April 2020 Easter 2, Year A Service(s) (today): 10am - Eucharist; 11.15am -...
Taize Service for Holy Wednesday
Wednesday in Holy Week Song Within our darkest night, you kindle the fire that never dies away, never dies away. Psalm I love the Lord,...

Notices for Easter Day 12th April 2020
Welcome to CHRIST CHURCH SHOOTERS HILL Sunday 12th April 2020 Easter Day, Year A Service(s) (today): 10am - Eucharist; 11.15am...

Order of Service for All Age on Palm Sunday -- 5th April 2020
ALL AGE 05.04.20 Palm Sunday, Year A Welcome, notices, birthdays On screen before the service: Matthew 21.1-11 Jesus enters Jerusalem...

Passion Reading for Palm Sunday
The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew Dramatis personæ: Matthew: Jesus: the chief priests and others: the Soldiers...

Order of Service for Palm Sunday
CHRIST CHURCH SHOOTERS HILL Parish Eucharist on Palm Sunday Preparation Please, take some time before the service for quiet reflection,...

Notices for Palm Sunday, 5th April 2020
Welcome to CHRIST CHURCH SHOOTERS HILL Sunday 5th April 2020 Palm Sunday, Year A Service(s) (today): 10am Eucharist; 11am - All...