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Working Party -- Your help is needed!

We've been busy teaching the children who are doing the Admission to Communion Course that church is the people who gather together to worship God rather than the building. I fully believe this. I also believe that the building is a handy place for us to gather in. Keeping it a handy place takes a bit of work, though. There are always little jobs that need doing: light bulbs that need changing; locks that need mending; grounds that need looking after.

Our grounds, especially, need a lot of work. Being on the edge of the woods means that we are waging a continuous battle against seedlings and leaves and so on. John Halford is at the forefront of this as assistant warden for church grounds. He, with the help of some others, gives one Saturday morning a month to do little jobs inside the church and hall and to look after the grounds: cut grass; weed; clear gutters; prune trees and bushes and anything else that needs doing. Recently, the number of helpers has been dropping, making it a much harder job for the few helpers left. Many hands do make light(er) work and it would be good to have some more people on board. It doesn't need any particular skills, really. Most people know how to use a lawn mower. It just needs some people who are able to give an hour (or a it more) on a Saturday morning to come and help (and bring a pair of gloves?). It would be really good to see a few more people at working party.

Working Party is usually on the first Saturday of the month between 8.30 and 10am. Sylvia Passmore makes the helpers tea and coffee and there are usually some cakey things and biscuits.

If you would like to help and you would like John to let you know when the next Working Party is, do ask him to put you on his contact list:

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